From start to finish, pregnancy includes a wide range of tests, and some are less wonderful than others. Amy Schumer, who uncovered her pregnancy in October, as of late shared on Instagram that she was experiencing glucose testing, which unquestionably appeared as though it was on the unsavory end of the range. 

"Fingers crossed sisters," Schumer subtitled a photograph of herself drinking a splendid orange fluid called Sun-Dex. A portion of her supporters asked in the remarks what the test was for, while other people who had experienced it transferred their stories of drinking the equivalent strangely hued drink. 
Pregnant individuals experience this sort of glucose screening to test for gestational diabetes. 
Gestational diabetes is a condition that creates amid pregnancy when an excess of glucose (sugar) remains in your blood as opposed to being utilized for vitality, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) says. 
In the event that you have gestational diabetes, your body passes more sugar to your infant that it needs, ACOG clarifies. That can make your infant put on a great deal of weight and cause entanglements for you, including work troubles, the requirement for a C-area, substantial seeping after conveyance, and serious tears in your vagina. It additionally raises your hazard for hypertension amid pregnancy, which can put additional weight on your heart and kidneys. 
The glucose screening generally occurs close as far as possible of the second trimester, somewhere in the range of 24 and 28 weeks of pregnancy. It might be done in a couple of steps: The standard two-advance form of the test begins with a one-hour test that is prescribed for every single pregnant individual. At that point, if your outcomes on the one-hour test demonstrate that you have an excessive amount of glucose in your blood, you may then be required to finish a three-hour test, MedlinePlus clarifies. In the single-step adaptation of the test, the entire thing is done in two hours. 

The test you get relies upon your specialist and their inclination. Regardless of which test you're given, however, they all search for a similar thing: to perceive how your body and glucose reacts to accepting a heap of glucose, Christine Reeves, M.D., a board-ensured ob/gyn at the Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women and Babies, lets self know. 

You don't need to do a lot to plan for the one-hour glucose screening. 

You don't have to change your typical eating regimen before the test. "Feel free to have the sort of breakfast that you regularly would," Dr. Greves says. "We need to perceive how your body forms sugar once a day." 

When you go into your specialist's office or nearby lab for the test, you'll be given a container of fluid that contains glucose, similar to the one that Amy presented with. This typically contains 50 grams of glucose. "It's an extremely sweet beverage that is softly carbonated. The reason it's so sweet is a direct result of all the glucose," G. Thomas Ruiz, M.D., lead ob/gyn at MemorialCare Orange Coast Medical Center in Fountain Valley, California, lets self know. 

After you drink the refreshment, you'll be approached to sit tight for 60 minutes. Amid that time, you ought to abstain from eating anything and downplay drinking water, since doing either can divert from the test, Dr. Greves says. At the point when the hour is up, your blood will be attracted to check your blood glucose levels, and you'll be sent on your way. The measure of the time it takes to get your test outcomes shifts by lab and specialist's office. Some will give you results the following day, however, others can take as long as seven days, Dr. Greves says. 

More often than not, a typical outcome for the glucose screening test is glucose that is equivalent to or under 140 mg/dL one hour subsequent to drinking the sweet refreshment, MedlinePlus says. In the event that you get a typical outcome, that proposes you don't have gestational diabetes. (Schumer posted a couple of days after the fact affirming that she breezed through her test.) 

In the event that your blood glucose levels are too high after the one-hour test, you'll be approached to take the three-hour test. 

This one is somewhat more serious. First off, shouldn't eat or drink something besides tastes of water for 8 to 14 hours before this test, as indicated by MedlinePlus. 

When you get to your specialist's office or lab, they'll draw your blood and afterward give you another overly sweet beverage to appreciate (this time it will probably contain 100 grams of glucose). At that point, you'll have your blood drawn three additional occasions—at regular intervals from the time you initially had the beverage. From that point onward, you'll be sent on your way and, once more, you can expect results anyplace from the following day to three days after the fact. 

This test searches for irregularities from each blood draw. Along these lines, if the consequences of just a single of your blood tests are higher than typical, your specialist may suggest that you adjust your eating regimen and after that test you again later, Dr. Greves says. Yet, in the event that more than one of your outcomes is higher than ordinary, that is a pointer that you may have gestational diabetes, MedlinePlus says. 

The two-hour test is truly like the three-hour test. 

For this test, you'll be approached to abstain from eating or drinking something besides tastes of water for 8 to 14 hours before your test, the U.S. National Library of Medicine says. When you touch base at the testing site, you'll have your blood drawn. At that point, you'll be approached to drink a fluid that has 75 grams of glucose. Your blood will be drawn again two additional occasions at regular intervals after you drink it. From that point onward, you can return home. 

Much the same as the three-hour test, having a strange outcome from one of the tests don't really mean you have gestational diabetes, however having an anomalous outcome on at least two of them does. 

In the event that your outcomes demonstrate that you have gestational diabetes, you will likely need to roll out a few improvements. 

On the off chance that you've been determined to have gestational diabetes, your specialist will probably prescribe that you make changes to your eating regimen and way of life practices. They may propose that you make extraordinary, sound sustenance decisions, eat routinely to stay away from dunks and spikes in your glucose level, as well as have three dinners and two snacks every day, as per ACOG. Your specialist may likewise request that you meet with a dietary instructor or nutritionist, Dr. Ruiz says. 

You additionally might be approached to endeavor to get standard exercise (when you feel like it), which can likewise help control your glucose levels, ACOG says. From that point, you'll be approached to utilize a glucose screen to check your glucose levels at home a few times each day and to keep a log, either on the web or on your telephone, to enable your specialist to follow everything, ACOG says. 

In the event that your glucose levels are leveled out after some time, your specialist will most likely suggest that despite everything you come in for visits all the more frequently to screen your wellbeing and your child's wellbeing. Be that as it may, if your dimensions are still off, you may need to begin taking insulin infusions to help, ACOG says. 

The vast majority who take the glucose screening don't have gestational diabetes, Dr. Greves notes, so you shouldn't stress a lot over the test. However, on the off chance that you are determined to have gestational diabetes, there are a lot of treatment choices accessible to help.